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WSET Courses AccademiaVino

WSET Qualifications in Italy - Certificati WSET in Italia


WSET online exams are now available

Students taking all WSET Level 1 and Level 2 courses in Wines, Spirits and Sake now can choose between taking their exam in the traditional classroom paper format or from their own home through the new Remote Invigilation technology.

This is a huge advancement which will make life easier for many candidates, and we are currently developing an examination schedule to accommodate the needs of as many people as possible.

The Birth of Wine Traditions

You know a book is good when it has a way of gliding into your everyday life and subtly changing your thought patterns almost without you realizing it. This is exactly what happens when you read Inventing Wine by Paul Lukacs. It is what happened to me, anyway. Even as I was reading it – in bits and pieces in the few moments I managed to carve out of particularly busy days – page after page I found that it just seemed natural to start quoting concepts from the book during my classes.

WSET Level 3

WSET Level 3 in Wines, the Professional's Choice

During the academic year ended on 31 July 2016, WSET Level 3 in Wines and Spirits was our most successful qualification. Between Milan and Rome, we ran an unprecedented total of eight courses.

Besides the traditional full-week intensive programme, with classes concentrated in a five-day burst starting on Monday morning and finishing Friday evening, in July we offered - for the first time ever - a course with classes spread over five consecutive Saturdays.

It's Official: We Deliver Quality

AccademiaVino is now the first specialized wine school in Italy to have been awarded an ISO 9001 Quality System certification.

This is an important recognition of the professionalism and attention to detail that we put in every part of our daily work. The ISO 9001 Quality System Certification involves a complex procedure during which a third-party certification agency minutely examines every aspect of the operation. The final part of the certification process is an on-site audit which involves a lenghthy direct observation of the way we work and deliver our courses.

WSET Wine Spirit Education Trust

A New Logo for WSET

The new WSET logo is going live today, 1 October 2015. After over ten years, the familiar oval has been redesigned to keep up with evolving tastes and - especially - to make it more suitable to be used with digital media.

While modern and fresh, the new logo retains the familiar oval shape with the stylized Ariadne figure. Over the next few months all old logos will be replaced with the new one. At Accademiavino we have already renewed our website masthead and will be replacing all other occourrences of of the logo within weeks.

Smile, You Are On The Master of Wine Programme

"It gives me great pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted to join the Master of Wine Study Programme": the meeting in the Milano Wine Academy office was drawing to a close when our educators Alessandra Fedi and Marina Olwen Fogarty received almost simultaneously twin emails confirming that they both have now officially started their journey towards the most prestigious wine qualification in the world.

WSET Course Schedule at a Glance

After the course-packed month of July, we are now taking advantage of the August quiet for a number of improvements to our website. Some are small technical details you will not notice except in a smoother navigation experience, some are more substantial, such as our all-new monthly calendar, which gives you at a glance a comprehensive view our monthly schedule. There is still some tweaking to do on the visual side, but the functionality is now all there.
