WSET Level 1 in Wines | WSET Courses AccademiaVino

WSET Courses AccademiaVino

WSET Qualifications in Italy - Certificati WSET in Italia
WSET Level 1 Wines

WSET Level 1 in Wines

Gift Certificates valid for three years.

May be used for any WSET Level 1 course by AccademiaVino in the classroom.

The WSET Level 1 Award in Wines is an easy, fun but highly informative programme. The course is usually delivered in one full day, with several options available for days of the week. Recipients of a Gift Card has full freedom to choose the date and AccademiaVino location that best suits their needs. In fact, if they wish, they are also free to switch from Level 1 in Wines to Level 1 in Spirits or Sake at no extra charge!

All WSET Level 1 courses require no previous knowledge or pre-class study time. So enrolment is usually open until at least three days before the starting date.

Gift certificates are available for one, two or three enrolments. If you wish to donate four or more enrolments, we suggest purchasing separate gift certificates so you can better personalize them. You can add them to cart in the same transaction.

If you pay by credit card, the Gift Certificate is immediately sent by email to the address you enter. The recipient will get an elegantly styled email with complete instructions on how to use the Gift Card, and a link to download a printable PDF version if they like.

The PDF version is printable on an A4 sheet of paper and it is designed to be folded in four, so it becomes a perfect greeting card. So, if you wish to give the Gift Certificate in person or prefer to send it on a future date, we suggest you enter your own email address.

If payment is made by bank transfer, we will only send the PDF version, one working day after funds have been registered in our bank.

Select number of participants

Who is the giftcard from? You can enter one or more names, or descriptive terms like: "Your office buddies", or whatever you wish, up to a maximum of 60 characters.
Who is the giftcard for? If you are purchasing a giftcard for multiple events, you may enter more than one name, up to 60 characters in total.
If you wish to deliver the printed gift card personally or wish to send the Pdf file at a later date, you can enter your own email, otherwise enter the email where the card should be sent as soon as you have completed the payment.
The message will appear both on the email and on the printable PDF version.
Note: on the PDF all line breaks will become spaces.
If you intend delivering the printed card in person, you may wish to leave this blank and write it in by hand.
€ 290.00