WSET Level 3 Wine Tasting Tutorial | WSET Courses AccademiaVino

WSET Courses AccademiaVino

WSET Qualifications in Italy - Certificati WSET in Italia

WSET Level 3 Wine Tasting Tutorial

An intensive one-day tutorial to get hands-on experience on the WSET Level 3 advanced tasting technique as well as an in-depth explanation of the WSET Level 3 examination format and requirements.Wine Tasting Tutorial

This tutorial is mandatory and included for students who register for one of our E-learning Online WSET Level 3 in Wine courses.

Participation is offered as an optional activity for anyone interested in exploring the WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting technique and examination format before committing to a full Level 3 course.

Tutorial Programme

During this intensive day you will:

  • Learn how to describe a wine according to the WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting
  • Learn how to consistently assess a wine's quality level and aging potential
  • Practice how to relate the characteristics of a wine to vineyard and winery factors
  • Get a detailed overview of the WSET Level 3 exam format and technique
  • Understand how WSET Level 3 exams are marked
  • Practice writing accurate tasting notes under examination conditions

 A minimum of 10 wines will be tasted.

Additionally, two wines will be provided for a feedback tasting test. This is a tasting of two wines, one white and one red. You will be asked to do the tasting as an assignment under timed examination conditions. Your should then send your tasting note and will later receive your personal feedback by email.

Book a Level 3 course at AccademiaVino and get 50% back!

If, within 3 months after participating in a Level 3 Tasting Tutorial, you register for any Classroom  Level 3 in Wines course offered by AccademiaVino the course fee will be discounted by 50% of the amount you paid for the tutorial.

All WSET Level 3 Tasting Tutorials are delivered in an online format. 



Net price€ 213.11
VAT 22%€ 46.89
Price€ 260.00
Available starting dates: 

Detailed Schedule for Selected Course

  • Friday, 06 Sep 2024 - 10.00 to 15.30