After the course-packed month of July, we are now taking advantage of the August quiet for a number of improvements to our website. Some are small technical details you will not notice except in a smoother navigation experience, some are more substantial, such as our all-new monthly calendar, which gives you at a glance a comprehensive view our monthly schedule. There is still some tweaking to do on the visual side, but the functionality is now all there.
Through the calendar gateway page, easily reached from the navigation menu tabs which remain always visible, you can bring up a separate monthly calendar for each of our course locations - currently Milan, Rome, and Genoa - plus a global view with all locations merged.
All calendars are updated in real time to show the registration status for each course as Available or Closed.
Additionally, each course is identified by a coloured top stripe in the official WSET colours for each qualification:
WSET Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits
WSET Level 3 Award in Wines and Spirits
As of writing the schedule shows courses planned up to December 2015. Within a few days, the full programme to July 2016 will be available too.