Blog - Category: WSET
WSET eBooks now available
WSET study materials in English are now available as eBooks.
Traditional paper books are of course still available as well. So when you book a WSET course on our website, at checkout you will be able to choose between the two formats.
Based on the most advanced technological platform available, WSET eBooks can be marked, underlined and annotated just like a paper book.
WSET online exams are now available
Students taking all WSET Level 1 and Level 2 courses in Wines, Spirits and Sake now can choose between taking their exam in the traditional classroom paper format or from their own home through the new Remote Invigilation technology.
This is a huge advancement which will make life easier for many candidates, and we are currently developing an examination schedule to accommodate the needs of as many people as possible.
A New Logo for WSET
The new WSET logo is going live today, 1 October 2015. After over ten years, the familiar oval has been redesigned to keep up with evolving tastes and - especially - to make it more suitable to be used with digital media.
While modern and fresh, the new logo retains the familiar oval shape with the stylized Ariadne figure. Over the next few months all old logos will be replaced with the new one. At Accademiavino we have already renewed our website masthead and will be replacing all other occourrences of of the logo within weeks.
New WSET Course Venue in Puglia
For the first time ever, WSET qualifications are now available in Puglia.
Thanks to the support of our friends Elvezia and Mark we will be delivering courses in the tasting room of A Mano Wine, right in the historic centre of the beautiful town of Noci, just a short distance from Apulia's capital city Bari and right next to UNESCO World Heritage site Alberobello, with its unique Trulli buildings.
WSET getting hotter than ever in Italy
July 2015 is going to be the hottest month ever for WSET courses in Italy, with an unprecedented four courses in the same month. We can think of no better way to celebrate the second anniversary of Milano Wine Academy's license as Approved Programme Provider.
WSET Level 3 Certificates
Here they are! The Wine & Spirit Education Trust Level 3 Advanced certificates and lapel pins for the stundents on the Milano Wine Academy November 2014 course are in from London.
Excellent results for everyone: out of 11 awards, 8 with Distinction and 3 with Merit. A great push for all those who will progress even further in their WSET studies.