AccademiaVino Week - 8 to 14 February 2020
As a spate of new beginnings is just around the corner from Monday 15th, this is a week full of achievements. On Saturday, several dozen students will take their WSET exam after completing e-learning and videoconferencing courses. Exams will all be online with the WSET remote invigilation format AccademiaVino helped pilot since June 2020. As usual, most candidates will be for the WSET Level 2 in Wines Award, but there will be a good few sitting the WSET Level 1 in Wines and the WSET Level 2 in Spirits as well.
Exams will come up later for the students who this week will complete e-learning WSET Level 2 in Wines and WSET Level 2 in Spirits courses after a five-week journey started back in January.
Of course, there will as almost always, also be students taking their live videoconferencing WSET Level 2 in Wines courses. This week we have a super-intensive course from Thursday to Saturday, as well as the last day of the three-Saturday course started on 30 January.
Graduation time also for our Italian introductory courses. Some four groups will have their final class this week: those for the weekly sessions started on 11 and 13 January, as well as those who joined the special edition course with two classes last week and the remaining three on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week.